QUESTION: What time does school get out each day?
ANSWER: Click here to see our Daily Schedule page.
QUESTION: Where can I get a copy of the school calendar?
ANSWER: Click here to view our school calendar.
QUESTION: What is the best way to get updates about what is happening at Mulberry?
ANSWER: You can also visit us online at Mulberry Events. In addition, regularly check your child's backpack or ask for school papers. Flyers typically always go home explaining an upcoming event and are also posted on the school marquee.
QUESTION: How can I get the “TeleParent” calls with school information?
ANSWER: Be sure that you write down the phone number that you would like to receive the school information under the primary number section on your student's emergency card. If you are not receiving the calls, please check with the office to be sure that is the number listed on our school record system is correct. If you change your number, please be sure to update it to continue receiving school information. Call office to update information at 562 789-7100.
QUESTION: What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
ANSWER: Check with your child's teacher to figure out their preferred method of communication (phone, email, letters, stop by at the start/end of day, etc...). You can call the office (562-789-7100) anytime to be connected with their voicemail.
QUESTION: What are the office hours?
ANSWER: Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm
QUESTION: Is there a Parent Handbook with school information?
ANSWER: Yes, there is! Click on the following link to view Parent Handbook
QUESTION: When does kindergarten registration begin?
ANSWER: Kindergarten registration for the new school year begins around February, call office for for details. All registration are done online. Click here to access our enrollment link.
QUESTION: I really want my child to attend Mulberry, but we don't live in the attendance area. Is it still possible to attend?
ANSWER: Yes, you just need to apply for a permit (inter/intra). Permits are accepted based on grade level availability according to board policy. Please call the office at (562) 789 5900.
QUESTION: What documents are needed to enroll my child at Mulberry?
ANSWER: The following documents must be presented after you complete your online registration:
· Original and current Immunization records
· Original Birth Certificate or Passport
· Proof of Residency Form (Provided at School Site) This form requires original and current utility bills and signature from home owner/renter in the presence of an authorized EWCSD staff member or a Notary Public.
· Primary Resident or Owner Form (Provided at School Site) This form requires home owner to provide utility bills, sign form in school office by Authorized EWCSD staff member or by a Notary Public.
· Utility Bills – You MUST BRING THREE of the following documents only. (Bills must be within three months of registration date and must be originals.)
*Gas Bill
*Electric Bill
*Water Bill
*Rental/Lease agreement or Escrow papers
QUESTION: Are there after school programs available at Mulberry?
ANSWER: Yes, there is an afterschool program available through Boys and Girls Club. For specific information, availability, and sign-ups you will need to contact them directly. Boys and Girls Club of Whittier 7905 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier, CA 90602 phone: (562) 698-8630
QUESTION: Is there a list of school supplies that my child needs at Mulberry?
ANSWER: We provide all the supplies that are needed for your child at Mulberry. However, if you would like to donate items, it is greatly appreciated. Supply donations help offset costs throughout the year so we can continue to provide above and beyond activities for our students that bring learning to life!
QUESTION: Where can I find information about the food program (breakfast & lunch) at Mulberry?
ANSWER: Click here for the Nutrition Services Department. Their website contains school menus, meal prices, etc... If you have questions regarding lunch balances or PIN numbers, please contact Nutrition Services at (562) 907-5950.
QUESTION: I would like to volunteer, how may I do so?
ANSWER: Due to Covid restrict no parents are allowed on campus. Further information to come, when parents can volunteer again.
QUESTION: Can lunch be dropped off for students in the office?
ANSWER: Lunch may be dropped off and we ask that you please make arrangements with your child to know that lunch will be in the office, as we do not want to interrupt classrooms during their instructional time.
QUESTION: May I take food or desserts for my child’s classroom to celebrate students’ birthdays?
ANSWER: No, birthday parties and food isn’t permitted. You may bring goodie bags that contain pencils, erasers, coloring books, crayons, etc. No food please.